Rap legend Hanumankind from Bengaluru released his latest single, “Big Dawgs,” produced by Kalmi. The music video, directed by Bijoy Shetty, is just as daring as the song, featuring the rapper in the thrilling spectacle of a death well. This serves as a powerful metaphor for the artistic progress celebrated in the song.

The Well of Death, a vanishing art once popular at Indian carnivals, involves motorcycles and cars riding at high speeds in a large barrel-like cylinder. The roar of the engines draws daredevils to defy gravity on a vertical wall. As they climb higher, flirting with mortality, the crowd holds its breath, punctuating every loop with a collective gasp. This type of risk-taking entertainment mirrors many street acts in India, like tightrope walking, snake charming, and blindfolded knife throwing.

In his latest music video, Hanumankind revives the excitement and legacy of the genre. Bijoy, known for his unique perspective and deep understanding of Indian culture, creates a visual narrative that blends hip-hop energy with desi swagger. Hanumankind’s bold lyrics are enhanced by rapid transitions and surprising angles, highlighting a growing artistic movement in India. Bijoy’s self-taught, avant-garde style is evident in his striking videos for Skyline and Damn Son and his collaborations with Hanumankind.

Beyond music videos, Bijoy’s influence extends to fashion and culture, showcasing his ability to create visual stories that capture the essence of brands and artists. Hanumankind has greatly impacted the Indian hip-hop scene, starting with his debut at the NH7 Weekender festival and the release of his first EP, Kalari. His evolving music continually pushes boundaries, solidifying his place in Indian hip-hop.

Watch the youtube video below.