The Hotel Diablo musician recently talked publicly about his battles with addiction and the significant turning point in his sobriety.

“I’m completely sober from everything,” he shared on media. “I don’t drink anymore. I haven’t drank since last August.”

Machine Gun Kelly shared in the media that he is now completely sober, having quit drinking since last August. He revealed that he didn’t initially disclose his decision widely but entered rehab after finishing his European tour last year. This was his first experience with rehab, where he learned various techniques to manage his anger and understand his condition, achieving a sense of peace, though he describes it as a continuous balancing act.

At 34 years old, MGK chose not to detail his condition, feeling it is too new to discuss confidently. However, he expressed gratitude for the support he has received from his partner, Megan Fox, and his 15-year-old daughter, Casie Colson Baker. Their encouragement has been crucial in his journey toward sobriety and lifestyle changes.

Megan Fox has played a significant role in helping him manage the psychological challenges of withdrawal. MGK values the clarity of mind he now has when interacting with her and his daughter, allowing him to be more patient and provide better guidance from a balanced perspective.

Ultimately, MGK’s decision to sober up was partly driven by his bond with Casie and Megan’s faith in him. Their belief in his ability to change and their unwavering support have been motivating factors in his commitment to sobriety. He shared that Megan has been extremely helpful in dealing with psychological withdrawals. He appreciates being clear-minded when interacting with both her and his daughter, as it allows him to be patient and offer advice from a centered place.

Stay tuned.